Debunking Industry Myths: Social Media Marketing
The social media industry has been around long enough to rack up some pretty major myths. While many myths have been debunked, there are still a few that have a following and linger, simply because

New Hire: Taylor Pace
Boost Creative is proud to announce the newest addition to our team - our Social Media Intern, Taylor Pace! Taylor was born in New Jersey, where she lived for a few short years before moving

#TBT: Stillwater Spa - Gift Certificate Envelope
For this #ThrowbackThursday, we're taking you all the way back to 2003 when gift certificates were, well… still certificates! Back then, giving a certificate was all about presentation. We created this custom gift certificate envelope

Hiring: Front-End Web Developer
We are seeking a creative and motivated website developer who is excited about building awesome websites and solving problems for our clients. A front-end developer at BOOST specializes in the critical role of bringing together

#WebWednesday: Davidson Engineering
It's #WebWednesday! Here's a look at one of our favorite recent projects - website redesign for Davidson Engineering in Naples, FL. Davidson Engineering came to us looking to refresh their digital presence, specifically to better

Social Media Safety Tips
While sharing your top 10 favorite television shows may sound like a great way to connect with friends, be sure to think twice about the information you are publicly sharing online. Social media is a

The Importance of Professional Quality Photography for Web Design
In this day and age, websites are one of the most important elements of a company and its brand. When you think of a website, you think of its design, the content within it, and

Why Advertise With Display Ads
Have you ever visited a website but then had ads for that particular site following you across the internet? That company is implementing what are known as Display Ads! Display Ads are graphic images that