Google Search Ads: Why They Work

What are Google Search Ads?
Google Search Ads are text advertisements that can appear above or below search results on Google based upon a user’s search terms, also known as keywords. They can also appear beside, above, or below search results on Google Play, Google Images, Google Shopping, and Google Maps, including the Maps app.
So, basically, they’re your ticket to the front page of Google’s search results. Even more, you’re advertising to potential customers that are already seeking your product or business!
In addition to search results on Google.com, ads also might appear with search results on websites of Google’s search partners. For text ads, search partners include hundreds of non-Google websites, as well as Google Video and other Google sites, that utilize Google’s search widget as the search function on their own website. This means that if a user is searching on a third-party website using terms that are relevant to your business, your ads will then be served to them.
Google Search Ads VS Organic Search Results
When people use Google to search for a specific term or product, they are presented with two types of results: organic search listings and paid search listings (also known as Search Ads).
Organic search listings appear as links on search results pages and are not part of Google’s advertising programs. They typically appear in the middle of the results page, below the ads, and are matched based on information found within the site. Such as text or links that directly relates to a person’s search term.
Once matched, the websites are ranked in a variety of ways to provide the most accurate answer to a person’s search. In fact, there are over 200 factors that can impact where a website ranks!
It is for this reason that many new websites or sites that do not receive much traffic find themselves not listed on the coveted first page of search results. This, despite the fact that their service or product perfectly matches a person’s search term. Websites with well-written, keyword-rich content that have high levels of traffic and have a longer existence tend to rank highest. Websites can rise in rank by utilizing a wide range of Search Engine Optimization tactics, also known as SEO. However, these methods tend to be time-consuming and must be nurtured consistently over a significant period of time.
But, if your website can be listed on Google organically for free, why pay for search ads? Here’s why:
Get to the Top with Google Search Ads
Those that are looking to get on the first page of search results, without the longstanding time and effort that goes into SEO strategies, should utilize Google Search Ads.
Unlike organic search listings, Search Ads are sponsored listings that appear along the top and bottom of the first results page. They are matched based upon how closely a search term relates to that specific ad and its campaign settings. Ads competing for the same keywords are basically put into an auction system to determine which ads will show for that specific search. Ads that have a competitive cost per click budgets, are highly relevant, and have superior ad rank (level of optimization) will be selected and then ranked 1 through 4.
Appear in Local Search Results
When people search for nearby businesses on Google.com or Google Maps (for example, “coffee near me”), they may see local search ads that feature your business. This ad will utilize your Google My Business listing and promote your business to those physically located near you – thus potentially increasing foot traffic to your business. Additionally, from your local search listing, users can learn more about your business through your provided description. They can also read customer reviews, view photos of your business, get directions, or call you directly. All because of your Google Ad!
How Much Do Google Search Ads Cost?
Google Ads is a pay-per-click platform, known as PPC, meaning you only pay when someone clicks on your ads. Clicks vary in cost depending on a wide range of factors, such as industry, customer lifecycle, current trends, and location, but most range anywhere from $1-$4 per click.
The beauty of Google Ads is that it can usually fit any size company or budget. There is a multitude of targeting features that can help narrow down your audience to only highly relevant individuals, which in turn limits the amount of needed ad spend. This means that your overall monthly budget doesn’t have to be as large as you may think.
Monthly ad spend is regulated through daily budgets. A daily budget is the amount a campaign can spend in a given 24-hour period. There is something known as overdelivery, which means you may exceed your average daily budget by up to 2 times on any given day. Don’t be alarmed! This can help make up for the days when traffic is slow and your ads aren’t receiving the exposure you’d hoped. Keep in mind that even with this feature, you’ll never spend more than your monthly budget, which can be calculated by multiplying 30.4 by your average daily budget.
If your campaigns are highly targeted, meaning the traffic you receive from those clicks results in a high number of conversions, you can still benefit even if your daily budget is low.
So to answer the question directly, Google Ads can cost however much you’d like. It just depends on your industry, location, and how aggressively you want your ads to show.
How Do I Advertise With Google Search Ads?
Anyone can start advertising with Google Search Ads, but there are many factors that need to be considered in order to develop a successful campaign. Contrary to belief, Google Ads is not a set-and-forget-it sort of deal. It is a constantly varied, ever-changing advertising platform. Those that see it as a set-and-forget type of outlet will find that their advertising endeavors won’t produce positive results. The best way to get the most out of a Google PPC campaign is to have a targeted, ever-evolving strategy that requires constant tweaking and adjustments to result in a high return on investment (ROI).
It is for this reason that, unless you are a PPC pro, we suggest hiring a Search Ads management service, such as Boost Creative. The team at Boost Creative is up to date on all the best practices of digital marketing and Google Ads and has experience optimizing accounts to provide clients with the best ROI possible. Along with that, we have staff who are certified in Google Search, Display, and Shopping ads and we are certified Google Partners, meaning we have a proven track record of success – verified by Google themselves! Contact us today if you are interested to learn how Boost can help your digital marketing efforts.
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